RSS and E-Commerce Sittin' In A Tree
RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with web sites in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays.— Wikipedia
Imagine for a second that you could check the current deals of your favorite store online without actually have to visit their website and search for the “Hot Deals” or “Newest Specials”. This is the power of RSS. Unfortunately, a large portion of internet users have no idea what RSS is or how it may benefit them. This is a great opportunity to educate your customers and help them help themselves. As far as e-commerce goes the idea of using an RSS feed has only been applicable to the more tech-related industries. Does this mean that other retailers wouldn’t benefit from using RSS? In short, absolutely not.
The benefits of using RSS
- Saves time subscribing to specials and unadvertised deals. Check the latest RSS entries before going to work, or even while making dinner. Quick and effective marketing.
- Allows your customers to categorize their subscription in a way that works for them. If they only want to see your newest arrivals then provide a feed for the newest arrivals. You’re bound to get some sales from these customers.
- On-demand browsing. Customers can check their feeds as frequently as they’d like. This puts your users in control.
As RSS gains more popularity in the mainstream market it will become a more viable option for retailers in keeping their customers “in the loop.” It’s also a great way for you to keep tabs on your competitors and make sure your staying ahead. With services like Feedburner you are able to keep track of how many subscribers you have to your RSS feeds as well as how often they’re actually clicking through to check out your entries.
Feeds can also be used to keep your customers informed about upcoming features to your website, as well as, any other quick messages you’d like to get out without having to create a separate email blast just for this message.
For the customers that use RSS regularly you’ll be granting them access to everything they want when they want it and this will only increase their views of your company in the long run. Giving the users what they want will yield great rewards in the end.