WordPress Plugin: Current Book

A simple little plugin to help you manage the display of a book you are currently reading. Want to show your readers what book you’re reading? That’s just what this plugin does coincidentally.

Download and Install
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  1. Upload the file bookdisplay.php to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Open management page [Tools] – [Current Book].
  2. Edit “Book Title” field, “Book Link”, “Image Path”* and “Author” fields
  3. Click “Update options”
  4. Add the following wherever you’d like the information to be displayed:
    <?php current_book(); ?>
  5. That’s it. Simple.

Recent Updates
* Added the feature to show a thumbnail image of the book you’re reading.

Need help?
If you need help installing this plugin or customizing the display of the book title and author, please feel free to contact me

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Jun 22nd
Alan Turing slate statue at Bletchley Park museum

Thank You Alan Turing

June 23rd will mark the 100th anniversary of the life of famous English mathematician Alan Turing.

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