Thank You Alan Turing

Thank You Alan Turing

[caption id="attachment_917" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Flickr user Duane Wessels"][/caption] June 23rd will mark the 100th anniversary of the life of famous English ...


New Site Launch:

New Site Launch:

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 28th, 2011

I have recently launched a new website focused around the Blizzard Entertainment game World of Warcraft. Warcraft Professional's primary goal is to help players of the game with things like playing the Auction ...
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Cookin’ Up Something Special

Cookin’ Up Something Special

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 26th, 2011

I am currently working on a new site design for this site, so be on the lookout in the next few weeks. If anyone has suggestions for what they'd like to see in ...
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Dream Big, Design Small

Dream Big, Design Small

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 30th, 2010

I have been diving extensively into the world of sustainable, small home living and it really is a remarkable idea. With the collapse of the housing market in many parts of the country, ...
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Featured at Creattica

Featured at Creattica

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 20th, 2010

The Pixelhaven logo has just been featured in the Creattica Logo gallery. I am very excited about this, because the Creattica galleries have been a great resource for me creatively. Being included with ...
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Design Principles: Scale & Proportion

Design Principles: Scale & Proportion

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 6th, 2010

Scale and proportion are related terms in that both basically refer to size. # People will often say something is "large scale", but we really have no idea how large "it" is without dealing ...
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A Slick jQuery Navigation

A Slick jQuery Navigation

Journal, Miscellaneous | September 6th, 2010

I recently wrote a short tutorial for Vladimir Prelovac's website that shows how you can achieve a tabbed navigation using jQuery and some CSS. Go check it out if you're interested.
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Design Principles: Emphasis or Focal Point

Design Principles: Emphasis or Focal Point

Journal, Miscellaneous | August 30th, 2010

How does a designer catch your attention and provide something that attracts the eye? device that can help is a point of emphasis or focal point. # Focal points are meant to grab ...
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Using Google's Social Graph API & JQuery

Using Google's Social Graph API & JQuery

Journal, Miscellaneous | August 29th, 2010

Within the Google Code Labs lies the Social Graph API that can be used to display all your connections on the net. Instead of having to go find all the links to the ...
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Design Principles: Unity

Design Principles: Unity

Journal, Miscellaneous | August 23rd, 2010

Unity means that a congruity or agreement exists among the elements of a design; they look as though they belong together, as though some visual connection beyond mere chance has caused them to ...
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Design Principles: Introduction

Design Principles: Introduction

Journal, Miscellaneous | August 21st, 2010

I am starting a new web series over the next several weeks. Each one will cover a new design principle and how it applies to the Web. I'll be going into detail about ...
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